マレーシア SMK AGAMAへ激励メッセージを送りました

昨年10月、本校生徒会はマレーシアのコタキナバルにあるSMK AGAMA(中等学校)と学校間交流をスタートさせる計画が進んでいました。ところが、COVID-19の影響で当該校があるサバ州がロックダウンに陥り、その後対面式の授業が現地では始まらないまま、4月には学校自体がロックダウンする事態に発展していました。この状況を受け、生徒会執行部の2年生を中心に激励メッセージをビデオとメッセージボードを実質2日で作成し、4月25日にインターネット経由で送付しました。そのお礼のメールが届いたので紹介いたします。

Thank you for sending us a heartfelt message through the video and letters. Sorry for my delay due to the Covid-19 situation we are facing and it’s the Ramadhan period at the moment. I can confidently say we are very touched.

Right now, it has been almost a month since we have been up against a great amount of Covid-19 cases appearing in our school, affecting not only our students and teachers but also our families as a whole. We are feeling very lost and upset, so every day, we try to console ourselves by reminding each other that things will get better and pray to Allah (God). Additionally, we keep in mind that every effort we do, even the smallest efforts will be rewarded one day eventually.

However, knowing we have help from outside the school has constantly been a great motivation to always lift our spirits even more. So, no words can fully express our gratitude to you for the warm words and effort put into the video you have given us, but we will keep everyone in your school in our hearts and prayers, so maybe we can finally meet and be friends one day.

We really miss meeting our families and friends. Please take care and relay to your students, teachers and principal that we are thankful. We are also looking forward to hearing more from you and hope the situation will remedy itself so we can visit each other in the future.

Until next time…


Ainul Aiman MOHD NOR AZMAN (SMK Agama Kota Kinabalu, Sabah)
